Do you want to give your friends a break from boring old ring tone whenever they call you and add music to their lives then you can do this with your TATA-DOCOMO number. You can do this with the help of TATA-DOCOMO my tunes. Select your favourite caller tune to get them grooving. You can set a nice caller tune for your friends, family members and loved ones and make there wait time into great time. you can set caller tunes from party rocking international songs to timeless romantic classics and make your callers to dance on your caller tune. Let see Tata Docomo caller tune setting up.

Few more for you :
HOW TO SET CALLER TUNE –Tata Docomo caller tune
- Dial 543211 number from your DOCOMO sim,
- Follow the instruction and choose your favourite caller tune,
- Select caller tune from-Hindi songs, international songs, regional songs, legends songs, latest songs, evergreen songs, popular songs and many more categories
Tata Docomo caller tune additional feature:
- With your tata docomo number you can also select your name as your call me tune at RS 50 for 30 days
- From party rocking DJ songs to beautiful romantic songs you can now copy the caller tune of any other TATA-DOCOMO number and make it your caller tune.
For more information visit tata docomo official site.
Are you looking for other network services caller tune setting of Reliance, Idea, BSNL, Tata docomo, Airtel etc.
Or you may also look for all ussd of Tata Docmo here.
MY SELECTION – Tata Docomo caller tune
We have many friends and everyone have different taste so with the help of tata docomo” my selection” you can select a different song for a different person and also in different occasion. you can fallow these simple steps to proceed
- Click the get it icon next to your favorite song
- Enter your tata docomo number to get a one time password for the song
- Enter the password received on your phone and the song gets set as your caller tune
After you have subscribed for the song you will be charged RS15 per song download and RS 30 for 30 days subscription.
Disclaimer : This facility may cost you depending upon the service provider.
anant koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj ye caller tune chiyae
Caller tune